The Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center Museum presents TDHP’s dance halls photo exhibit through February 11, 2019.

All photos courtesy of Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center.
Two-step your way through time on a photographic tour of historic dance halls. Texas dance halls are as diverse and vast as Texas itself. The photos in this exhibit illustrate this and serve as a reminder of what we have and what we are at risk of losing without efforts to preserve these reminders of our collective history as Texans. The exhibit features 38 beautiful photos, which includes 5 halls located in Fayette County.
TDHP executive director Deb Fleming will present a program on the exhibit and Texas Dance Hall Preservation on Wednesday, January 23 at 6:00 PM at the Center. All photos are available for purchase from TDHP.
The Center is located at 250 West Fairgrounds Road in La Grange with viewing hours Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. and Saturday from 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. For more information, call 979-968-9399 or visit
“Texas is rich with diversity and our historic dance halls are architectural monuments to our diverse culture and history as a state. The east central region of Texas around La Grange and Fayette county is ground zero in that it can boast a high number of halls that still act as community centers as they did over a century ago. Preserving them for future generations is our legacy and responsibility much like our ancestors when they built them and maintained them for us to enjoy today.” – Deb Fleming, TDHP Executive Director