3316 Roberts Cut Off Rd.
Fort Worth, TX 76114
Get In Touch:
3316 Roberts Cut Off Rd.
Fort Worth, TX 76114
email: info@hallname.com
Website: www,nationalhallfortworth.com
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Lodge No.92 was organized September 4th, 1910 in the home of Frank Paprskar. At the time the lodge organized, all the business was conducted in the Czech language. With the establishment of Armour & Company and Swift & Company packing plants in 1903 many Czech families migrated to the North Side of Fort Worth, Texas in search of employment.
They named the Lodge Svaz Cechoslovanu ( Alliance of Czechoslovaks) # 92. After the meeting their was a social as all looked forward to the future. Until 1917 meetings were held the second Sunday of the month in different members homes and then moved to their first building in the 2600 block of Houston Street in Ft, Worth, Tx. In 1938 a new lodge was built on three acres of land on Roberts Cut-Off Road and is the present building that meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month today.
Upcoming Events
Tejano Dance
October 15, 2021 | Doors 6pm, Dance 8:30 – 12. Tickets $12 advance, $15 at the door
Featuring Latin Express! Full BBQ Dinner available for $10.
Monthly Country and Western Dance
October 3, November 7, 2021 | Doors 1pm, Dance 2:00 – 6:00. Tickets $10.
Featuring Randy Taterevich Band. Full BBQ Dinner available for $10.
Cowtown Birthplace of Western Swing Festival
November 11 – 13, 2021 | SOLD OUT
Bob Wills Texas Playboys, Jake Hooker , Bill Mata , Light Crust Doughboys , Jeff Woolsey ,Justin Trevino, Shoot Low Sheriff, Landon Dodd. Full bar BBQ dinner available.